
Missing Teeth? Let us help you regain your beautiful smile.
Thanks to modern advancements, dentures have come a long way over the years and can now be a convenient part of your lifestyle.

What Are Dentures?

Dentures, also known as false teeth, are custom-made prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth. Traditionally, dentures were made from large bulky pieces of plastic. New techniques now enable dentures to be made from metal and even secured in place by fixing to dental implants.

What is the Process for Getting Dentures?

The process of constructing dentures generally takes about four appointments.

A consultation is required to make sure dentures are the best solution for you; one of our dentists will assess your mouth and discuss the options with you.

At your next appointment, a 3D scan of your mouth will be made. This scan will be used to produce a mock-up of the denture. This mockup will then be tried in, and you can assess the size, shape and colour of the teeth, and the fit of the denture.

The denture will then be definitively constructed and fitted. Some minor adjustments may be required at this visit. After the fitting, a follow-up appointment (usually around a week after) is sometimes required to assess the fit of the denture.

Usually, your dentures will be adjusted within the first 3 to 6 months. Within the first 6 to 12 months, dentures are relined. Relining is a simple procedure that addresses any gradual changes in the shape or fit of your dentures.

Dentist explaining results to patient
lady showing off dentures after dental procedure

What is the Aftercare Required for Dentures?

Here are some tips for caring for your new dentures:

It will take several weeks for you to get used to your new denture as your gums, cheeks and tongue train themselves to keep the dentures in the correct place.

Eating will take practice; it is suggested that you start with soft foods cut into small pieces. Chew slowly using both sides of your mouth at the same time to prevent the dentures from tipping. As this becomes easier, gradually introduce harder foods until you return to your normal diet.

Pronouncing certain words will require practice. Reading out loud and repeating difficult words will help. If your dentures make a clicking noise when speaking then try to speak more slowly until you get used to speaking with your new dentures in place.

Sore spots and gum irritation are common and to be expected. Please try and wear your new denture as much as possible. This will enable us to determine the cause of the sore spots and adjust the denture to eliminate the irritation.

A follow-up visit is usually required after a denture has been inserted, to ensure that you are adapting well to wearing the denture. Regular check-ups are required to check any natural teeth that may remain or any implants that may support the denture. Your denture should last for approximately 5 years but may require relining during this time.

Clean your denture after meals and before leaving them out overnight with a soft toothbrush and detergent over a basin of water. Do not use toothpaste as this can roughen the surface of the denture.

It is important to care for your oral tissues; use a soft toothbrush to scrub the tongue, gums and roof of your mouth, along with any teeth that may remain.

You should aim to remove your denture for at least six hours per day to allow the soft tissues and bone underneath your denture to recover. It is mandatory to remove your denture before going to sleep.

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    Facts and Questions Relating to Dentures

    To ensure your dentures remain a comfortable, supportive fit for your cheeks and lips, it is generally recommended to replace your dentures every 10 years. If your dentures are worn, broken, or feel uncomfortable, it is important to see your dentist for an evaluation.

    The cost of dentures varies from case to case and depends on whether you need immediate dentures, replacement dentures, plastic denture, a metal denture, or if you simply need your dentures relined. The best way to get an accurate estimate of cost is to schedule a consultation.

    Since dentures are custom-made for the unique shape of your mouth, they are meant to fit comfortably and precisely. Although it does take some time for the mouth to adjust to dentures post-procedure, regular follow-up visits will ensure proper healing and fit for the most comfortable experience possible.

    If you have any questions on dentures or would like to set up a consultation, please reach out to our experienced team at Chelmsford Dental today.

    If you would like to learn more about dental bridges, please feel free to reach out to us. We would be happy to answer any questions or help you schedule a consultation.